On the Road in Defense

On the Road in Defense of Globalization

I’m in Florida at the moment at a Cato Institute conference and will fly back (weather permitting) to snowy D.C. on Sunday evening. Then, after reconciling myself with my cats, I leave at 5:30 am for Portland, Oregon to speak on globalization, followed by gigs at Stanford, Berkeley, and other places. You can find at least a part of my college speaking tour at www.aworldconnected.org (an excellent site, by the way). In between my college talks (which usually end with my inviting a group of students out for pizza and beer on my nickle), I’ll be meeting with Cato Sponsors and potential Sponsors, speaking before groups of professional and business people, and so forth. It’ll be exhausting, but great fun. I rarely feel more alive than when I get to discuss liberty with people eager to know more.