What a Difference Capitalism Makes

It’s been over a decade since I was in Moscow last and what a difference there is. I try to be careful not to infer too much about the state of Russia — or even of Moscow — from short trips, but nonetheless the difference is truly astonishing. I remember from the Soviet time how drab, shabby, dirty, and utterly depressing Moscow was. It’s now ablaze with advertising, signs, beautiful restaurants, and shops full of goods. Furthermore, whereas the streets had in the past been full of downcast and depressed people, the open gaiety and liveliness among those walking is quite remarkable. Imagine what a rich, progressive, and wonderful place Russia might be today had they not been taken down such a disastrous wrong turn by the Bolshevik criminals in 1917.

I did manage to get to the Kremlin today and saw the treasures of the tsars, which was quite an experience. I’ll be taking the night train to St. Peterburg this evening.