An Interesting Forum for Debate on “Historical Matters”

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Professor Eric Muller of the University of North Carolina Law School has been using his web site to uncover rather interesting bits of information about the book The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History and author Professor Thomas Woods of Suffolk Community College and his affiliations, including the rather spooky League of the South. (You can go through the various threads, links to Woods’s defenses, and so on and make up your own mind.)

Cathy Young of Reason magazine has a review of Woods’s book in the Boston Globe, to which Professor Woods has responded by calling her a “neocon” (the slam of choice on for anyone who disagrees with their Confederate Revivalism) and writing, “There is no point in answering someone like this.” Zing!

One Response to “An Interesting Forum for Debate on “Historical Matters””

  1. Tiny Tim aka "Neocon"

    Let me be the one to translate what Mr. Kerner is saying for the unwashed masses. Neocon = “Party Enemy.”

    It is stinking Leninism 101 folks. The same monkey poop tossed about by the Rothbardians which has been smelling up the libertarian scene for years. Ms. Young disagrees with the Rockwellian Party, so she is branded an “Party Enemy” aka a “Neocon.”

    Gary North advocates stoning homosexuals to death, but since he barfs up the Rockwellian Vanguard’s Party line, he is declared “clean” as a “real libertarian.”

    See how the cult works? Well if disagreeing with Rockwell and his cronies groupthink makes me a “neocon” – call me a proud “neocon.”