People who absorb ideas through the spoken word, and are interested in liberty, should be subscribing to CatoAudio. On the CatoAudio site is a free offering of a segment (about 50%) of a talk I gave at a Cato University seminar on the roots of liberty in western civilization.
Glad to see some FREE content on CATO audio. I’d love to sign up for a year but $50 is a LOT of money. Shave it down to $25 and you’ll find a lot more members.
Just finished the sample of your talk on the roots of liberty. It reminded me of my orientation at Glade Springs as a Koch Fellow and how much I miss it. Nice resort in W.Virginia, summer weather, good conversation, and informative lectures that are all too absent at your typical American college. As close to Heaven as this Catholic libertarian can get.
$50 is cheap to pay for this. Moreover, people pay for it because they also want to support Cato. Pay $100 to become a member, and then $40 for the tapes. You’ll be advancing liberty, and learning at the same time.
Tom: Cato should release these somehow on MP3 for subscribers so that we can put them on our Ipods. I don’t listen to tapes anymore.
Oops, sorry, Cato is again way ahead of me. Cato Audio is available on the MP3!!!