Polish Translation of “Globalization is Grrrreat!” Available

The written version of a lecture I gave on globalization, “Globalization is Grrrreat!,” has appeared in Polish (“Globalizacja jest bardzo dobra!“), as well as Slovak, Spanish, and French. It will come out in Russian and in Arabic shortly, as well. Yet another little personal benefit of globalization, I guess.

3 Responses to “Polish Translation of “Globalization is Grrrreat!” Available”

  1. Ross Levatter

    As Tom’s last several entries amply document, classical liberalism is on the rise throughout the world…

    Now if only it could gain a handhold in the United States…


  2. Iulia Borca

    This lecture on globalization is indeed a big contribution for people to understand what this process realy brings into the world. Who reads this article and is still totaly against globalization, I am sure will stay forever hidden in a “protectionist box”.
    As for the contribution to become bigger how about this article to come out in Romanian also?
    I mean could we(the Independent Centre created at Radu’s iniatiative) have the permission to translate it into Romanian?
    Thank you very much for the changes you made into some romanian minds as my people realy need this kind of liberal influence to improve their lives.

    Iulia Borca.

  3. Tom G. Palmer

    Dear Iulia,

    I would be honored for it to be translated into Romanian! And thank you for the very kind remarks about the essay. Of course you have full permission to translate and publish it. I only wish to retain the movie rights so that I can arrange for Brad Pitt to play me in the film.

    It was such a pleasant surprise to see you again at the seminar. Let’s stay in touch.

    Best regards to you and to all of our mutual friends,

    Tom G. Palmer