A Story of Idiocy in New Oreleans

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Unless We’re Ordered Not To….

Don Boudreaux has the full story at Cafe Hayek. It’s definitely worth reading. And weeping.

3 Responses to “A Story of Idiocy in New Oreleans”

  1. Private efforts to rescue people thwarted by the state.

    From Saturday’s Financial Times, p. 1:

    “For Janet Chapman and her family of four it began as a jaunt to New Orleans to support their football team from Baltimore. A week later they are sheltering with several thousand other refugees ankle deep in mud and excrement under a Route 10 overpass desperately wondering when they will ever get home.


    “The hotel organising her tour group was said to have paid $25,000 for a convoy of buses to take them away but they were commandeered by security forces just as they arrived and taken to another location.”

  2. It goes beyond idiocy to maliciousness. It starts at the top with Cheney and his puppet and then filters down.

    This is “compassionate conservatism” in action, along with the new “emergency preparedness” that Bush’s “Homeland Security” bureaucracy has brought us.