It’s nice finally to be able to announce publicly that Andrei Illarionov, one of Russia’s most outspoken friends of liberty, has joined the Cato Institute as a senior fellow. The announcement (English, Russian) has led to an enormous amount of coverage in Russia (English on, as well as across the Russian blogosphere. Andrei will speak at the conference on “Freedom, Commerce, and Peace: A Regional Agenda” (English, Russian) that I’m organizing in Tbilisi later this month.
I am very glad he joined the Cato Institute and I am sure he will do an amazing work for in Liberty.
In April 2004 Mr Illarionov gave a lecture at Universidad Francisco MarroquÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?Ân and if you are interested you may watch the video in the following link:
“Reforms in Russia”
Andrei Illarionov
Andrei Illarionov al Cato Institute como Senior Fellow
Andrei Illarionov quien impartiÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?³ una conferencia en la Universidad Francisco MarroquÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?Ân titulada “Reforms in Russia“ en abril del aÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?±o 2004 es ahora senior fellow en el Cato Institute.
Illarionov trabajÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?³ como chief economic adviser del p…