Abdelkareem’s Case: Four Years Prison for Writing a Blog

Abdelkareem was sentenced today to four years in prison. This will not go unchallenged. His case is the case of every blogger, every dissident, every person who aspires to life as a free citizen.

My sincere thanks and recognition to all who have helped the cause of free speech and the case of Abdelkareem. Please be ready to act again, respectfully and with dignity, in the hope that this grave miscarriage of justice will be corrected, perhaps in a way that will allow the Egyptian authorities to do the right thing and save face.

2 Responses to “Abdelkareem’s Case: Four Years Prison for Writing a Blog”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    Respectful letters to the Egyptian Ambassadors will help, as well as letters to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. More public attention and pressure. And letters from prominent people — members of parliaments and congresses, diplomats, and so on. And also, please let us not forget him. He is in a cage, facing threats of death, and quite probably beatings. I know how easy it is to pass on and to become occupied with other things. There are so many distractions in the world — even so many cases of injustice, but I hope that people will retain their interest and their focus on this case.