Science Marches On


What causes people to become heterosexual? It’s a puzzle that has intrigued some investigators, as Paul Varnell chronicles in “Origins of Heterosexuality.”

It is possible for instance that young pre-heterosexual males may become fixated on their mothers as sources of nourishment and care, but, finding as they grow up that an erotic attachment to the mother violates a cultural taboo, they repress their early childhood desires and find a way to transfer their attraction to another female who can more safely serve the same psychological function. The obsession of most heterosexual males for the female breast is well known.

(Note: if any reader doesn’t understand the article, he or she should look up the meaning of the word “satire.”)

5 Responses to “Science Marches On”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    Thank you! It’s been a crazy day, as our board of directors met today, I had meetings with colleagues, and I had radio, television, and print interviews all day. Whew.

  2. I get the joke, but it’s perhaps worth saying that the origin of heterosexual behavior–and of homosexual behavior–is a legitimate subject for scientific study. (Far afield from what I do, however…)