If the Defense Lawyers Do Their Jobs, Arrest or Disbar the Lawyers!


“Russia’s Champion of Hopeless Cases Is Targeted for Disbarment.”

8 Responses to “If the Defense Lawyers Do Their Jobs, Arrest or Disbar the Lawyers!”

  1. Christopher Kelly

    Fantastic news. Unlike America and Europe, where left wing lawyers and activists can destroy their nations and hide behind their courts, Putin is keeping Russia free. Russia is the last, best hope of the West and the survival of true freedom.

    I’m sure neocon America will be told to invade Russia as the next step in the Long War for International Leftism, but Putin will not submit. Hail Russia!

  2. newgrounds08

    I wish we were disbarring the ACLU types in this country. Russians are lucky to actually have a presidetn who gives a shit about their national survival, not kissing up to the cheap labor barons of Wall Street and the limp wristed neocons and their democracy fetish.

  3. Christopher Kelly,

    Do you not know what sort of totalitarianism you are being so apologetic to? Putin wants to bring back the old Soviet-style Communism, the same sort of totalitarianism responsible for massacring over 150 million innocent Russians since it’s establishment, and another 200 million in China where Mao was responsible for establishing it.

    America is not perfect or near utopian leanings that is for sure, but seriously you must live a sad life if you support Putin’s brutal crackdown. All this praise for Putin in the name for bashing “neo-cons”? So pathetic.

  4. Tom G. Palmer

    Just a heads up. I noticed pro-authoritarian statements under several different names in a short period, all expressing the same sentiment, and all from the same IP address. That includes the posts under the names of “Christopher Kelly” and by “newgrounds08,” as well as under the name of “Jeremy Schult.”

  5. newgrounds08,
    Do you know that some 30% of the population of Russia is non-European (asiatic). Not only people from outside Russia are targeted by these racist laws but also these people. These laws could lead to a civil war in Russia. If the Russian leadership does not end these racist attacks and laws, Russia will have the same fate as the soviet union.
    Im closely following the political situation in Russia, many people living in the semi-independent states (Tatarstan, Kalmyk, Caucasus states) within Russia are disgusted with the majority Russians and some of them are asking for full independence. The future of Russia does not look very promising!

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