Mercy Corps Saves Lives
The images of the people suffering in Haiti are hard to ignore. Mercy Corps is a very cost-effective way to help people, and it doesn’t waste its money on lobbying…
The images of the people suffering in Haiti are hard to ignore. Mercy Corps is a very cost-effective way to help people, and it doesn’t waste its money on lobbying…
In a very smart letter to the editor of the Washington Post (“What didn’t happen after the D.C. handgun ban ended“: may require registration), Mr. William Ciucci notes that the…
Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid, known as Gus Dur, has died. I did not meet him, but heard only praise from Muslim friends. He was involved in the LibForAll foundation, among…
From Foreign Policy: “The Islamists Are Not Coming: Religious parties in the Muslim world are hardly the juggernauts they’ve been made out to be,” by Charles Kurzman and Ijlal Naqvi.
David Boaz waxes nostalgic in the Washington Times for the days when government was almost, sorta, kinda limited, compared to now: “We Miss You, Bubba“
From Investor’s Business Daily, “How Data On Income Distribution Are Misunderstood And Misapplied“
I’ve finished a careful reading of James C. Scott’s really fascinating, deeply insightful (and occasionally oddly not-very-insightful) book The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast…
I admit that I’m very sympathetic to ethical vegetarianism, but…I found this discussion quite amusing. Hat Tip: PJ
This may not be the deepest analysis of why and how Detroit has sunk so very low, but he hits the nail on the head quite a few times. This…