In Love with Hayek
Very well done and quite fun.
Very well done and quite fun.
It has been a long time since I could bear to look at my blog without being overcome by sadness and grief, as I miss my friend a great deal….
This is extremely difficult to write. Wolly (for Wollstonecraft) Palmer, who was my friend, partner, buddy, confidant, and for 14 years teacher in the virtues of patience, toleration, loyalty, and…
A nice complement to this one on which I worked with friends:
…to Crete, then Athens, for lectures and meetings. I’m looking forward to meeting some of the Greek libertarians with whom I’ve corresponded over the years.
I’m in Beijing….hoping to get some sleep before some morning meetings and then a trip to the airport for some long flights to the US and A. In the meantime,…
France 24: France-Employment : GM Staff vote for pay freeze
In Beijing with Li Ziyang, author of The Power of the Market
Washington Post: “A government of the people’s every wish?” If you don’t live in this country all of the time, and I don’t, here is what you notice when you…
I just finished a rather exhausting day — 6 lectures and then an evening of very active sports and “team building” exercises — at the Northeastern University in Shenyang, not…