Happy Birthday, Friedrich!
One hundred and eleven years ago today F. A. Hayek was born in Vienna. He was a scholar, an activist, an inspiration.
One hundred and eleven years ago today F. A. Hayek was born in Vienna. He was a scholar, an activist, an inspiration.
I’m at a seminar in Indianapolis on the economics of sound money; the discussants include very serious economists (and some others, as well!) and a set of readings largely focused…
My friend Constantino Diaz-Duran is raising money to fund both research and educational efforts to help young people protect themselves from the spread of HIV. You can sponsor Constantino’s efforts…
The Opening Segment of John Stossel’s Show on Free Trade Other segments included trade obstructionist Lou Dobbs, Kenyan entrepreneur, lawyer, and documentary maker June Arunga and Swedish writer Johan Norberg,…
Someone I know is in prison in Egypt for the heinous crime of blogging. It is important to let the Egyptian authorities know he is not forgotten. He has suffered…
The Liberty Camp at Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan, is going great! The enthusiasm of the Kyrgyz libertarians is infectious.
And see if Lou Dobbs (that old charmer, who managed to call Don Boudreaux an “idiot” and June Arunga “stupid” within minutes of meeting them in the Green Room) convinces…
From my meetings at the offices of the Association for Liberal Thought in Ankara.
Some scenes from the central district of Bishkek, where people are enjoying the spring weather (except for just now, as it has just become blustery!)
To buy some Kyrgyz carpets…(and hats, hence the young lady modeling one)… (I will post some other pics from Bishkek and wider Kyrgyzstan later; for now, people should know that…