
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
From Greg Mankiw: “Economics in One Picture“

Krugmania over Ireland
Paul Krugman of the New York Times on “An Irish Mirror” and Constantin Gurdgiev of Trinity College, Dublin on “Replying to Prof Krugman” Hat Tip: Cyril Morong

Academic Overexitement
From CNN: “Beheaded Vikings found at Olympic site” “To find out that the young men executed were Vikings is a thrilling development…” It occurs to me, despite the likelihood that…

Nick Hogan is free….but we want him not only to be free from jail, but a free man, without fear of idiotic “laws” dictating whether people may smoke in his…

What Is Liberty?
My response (“Liberty is Liberty“) to the provocative essay (“Conceptions of Freedom“) by David Schmidtz and Jason Brennan is now online. I’m mostly through their very interesting (not in the…

Latest Polls on Congress…
March 10Rasmussen Report Just 23% of voters say they prefer a more active government with more services and higher taxes over one with fewer services and lower taxes. This finding…

Sleepy in Istanbul
I managed to catch up on some sleep, but my body says I need more. (And the fact that it’s also telling me it’s kinda 12:45 am isn’t helping.) I’ll…

A Discussion of Liberty, “Negative” and “Positive”
The new Cato Unbound is focused on the nature of liberty. The lead essay (“The Big Myth About Liberty“) by David Schmidtz and Jason Brennan is quite provocative. My response…