It’s a Sad Day for Freedom of Expression….
….when a newspaper is intimidated by threats of violence.
….when a newspaper is intimidated by threats of violence.
“She cannot be present today, but I still want to tell you, my sweetheart, that I’m confident that your love for me will be as always. Your love is sunlight…
From Politico: “Conservatives target their own fringe” Erickson has advised new tea party organizers on how to avoid affiliations with extremists, and this month banned birthers – conservatives who believe…
I just found (thanks to snooping around some emails) the text of the Julian L. Simon Memoral Lecture I gave in 2009 in New Delhi on “Democracy and Limited Government:…
The Colombian Constitutional Court has put a stop to the principle of “President for Life” (BBC: “Colombian judges deny Alvaro Uribe third term poll“) A Power Failure for Chavez (BBC:…
Jonathan Rauch’s insightful take on contemporary GOP politics in the National Journal: “It’s George Wallace’s GOP Now” LIKE WALLACE AND HIS SUPPORTERS 40 YEARS AGO, TODAY’S CONSERVATIVE POPULISTS ARE LONG…
Thanks, Reason.tv, for a clear explanation!
I just stumbled upon Gary Johnson’s website, via his Facebook page. The updates are pretty good.
It’s sketchy (since I talked and explained the terms, etc. ), but here are the graphics: Presentation1
If you’re a student and would like to understand better just what is happening today, as government expands in all directions, and what you can do about it, apply for…