
Revival of a Great Classical Liberal Journal: The Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines
Thanks to the good work of Pierre Garello and Philippe Maitre, a great journal lives again. (Click on the image to the left for more details.)

Cato University and FreedomFest
Are you going? You should think about Cato University July 25-30 and FreedomFest July 8-10. (I’ll be speaking at both.) UPDATE: I forgot to mention that Bastiat Scholarships are available…

An Outstanding Short Essay on Cuba
“Libertarian” Playboy Mag Hates Choice, Loves Authentic Communism by Michael C. Moynihan includes, as a bonus, Moynihan’s interview with Gorki Aguila of the Cuban band Porno Para Ricardo.

Hardly a Surprise….
War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire

Alexander McCobin on Students for Liberty
According to those who attended, the booing of Alexander was from Mr. Sorba, the second speaker.

A Remarkable Schoolboy Recitation of Scientific Psychology that Needs a Wee Bit of Updating
Now I spent a lot of time reading Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, and many scholastic thinkers, and I’ve learned a lot from them, but it’s remarkable to hear someone quote from…

Right to Carry Case in Today’s Washington Post
Yours truly in today’s Washington Post: “Plaintiff in handgun case is suing D.C. for right carry firearms in public” It was a good chance to head out to the shooting…

Interesting Thoughts on “Liberaltarianism”
From Ed Kilgore of The New Republic: “It’s You, Not Me: Liberals and libertarians finally break up.” An interesting question is, “Does loudly professing concern for the poor translate into…

SFL Does Liberty Proud
For standing up against bigotry: “SFL Causes CPAC Controversy” and “SFL Controversy Video” ISFLC Introduction Video from Students For Liberty on Vimeo.