An Ayn Rand Era?
David Boaz has an interesting post at Cato@Liberty: “Ayn Rand Is In“
David Boaz has an interesting post at Cato@Liberty: “Ayn Rand Is In“
“Ali Hussein Sibat Must Not Be Executed,” by Raja Kamal and Tom G. Palmer Arabic English UPDATE: It might help to save Mr. Sibat’s life to send letters to the…
From Meklit Hadero. It brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could do more for him. (Raja Kamal and I co-authored an article for the Washington Post about Kareem’s…
I am not a big “New Year’s Resolution” person, but the first day of the new year does provide a punctuation in time, so why not? I will endeavor to…
Speeches and Interviews
….to 2009. It is hard to imagine that 2010 could be worse. Overall, one of the worst years of my life. (With one major exception.)
Raja Kamal of the University of Chicago and I co-authored an article that appeared today in the Daily Star of Lebanon (a pre-eminent English-language newspaper in the Middle East) on…
The Nature of Rights Liberty and Tradition
The Central Asian Free Market Institute, which was founded in April of 2009, has released its 2009 Accomplishments, in Russian and in English. Financial support is much appreciated! (They are…