The Passing of a Wonderful and Elegant Lady
I did not know her as well as some of my colleagues, but on the few occasions that our paths did cross, I was impressed by her mixture of strength…
I did not know her as well as some of my colleagues, but on the few occasions that our paths did cross, I was impressed by her mixture of strength…
Thanks to a lot of hard work from friends in Russia…..Free to Choose.
The Cato book forum on the two fascinating new Ayn Rand biographies will be on Book TV on Sunday, November 8. If you’re in Oregon (or just the Northwest), check…
For libertarians who read Hindi, that is! Available at Azadi.me. (And if you’ve ever wanted to read about Ayn Rand in Hindi, here you are.) A project of the Centre…
Among the many books I read during my recent travels, I strongly recommend Johan Norberg’s truly excellent diagnosis of (and prescriptions for) the financial crisis: Financial Fiasco: How America’s Infatuation…
My OrdemLivre.org colleagues Diogo Costa, Bruno Garschagen, Gabriel Gallo, Lucas Mafaldo, and Rodrigo Constantino just finished their gigantic tour through Brazil, with seminars and programs at 17 universities in 13…
Cato University will be held July 25-30 in 2010 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn near San Diego, California. See ya there!
I was quite pleased to find today this review of my book Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice by the distinguished Argentine economist Alberto Benegas-Lynch: In our time, the…
The inimitable Steven Landsburg has a cool new blog on “The Big Questions,” which goes along with his new book, called, um…The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy with…