Libertarianism in Persian and Kurdish
I’m holding in my hands the beautiful new editions of Libertarianism: A Primer, by my colleague David Boaz, in Kurdish and Persian, thanks to the hard-working folks at Chiraiazadi.org and…
I’m holding in my hands the beautiful new editions of Libertarianism: A Primer, by my colleague David Boaz, in Kurdish and Persian, thanks to the hard-working folks at Chiraiazadi.org and…
I remember my first visit to Shanghai, over a decade ago, where I was told by a Chinese-American professor I had known for some time that “China will never go…
He’s a very smart fellow, generally pretty rational, but … wow … Cass Sunstein is really dedicated to the proposition that some people know better than others and should use…
I’m off next week to meet colleagues and give some public lectures in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. I’m hoping to help our friends get a lot more pro-freedom material into…
InLiberty.ru has a new look and a lot of new features. And watch for the upcoming Summer School in Odessa (Ukraine) and the Fall School in Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan).
Harvard’s Edward Glaeser in the New York Times: “Clean Water First: Economic Planning in India” I have a moderate, and only somewhat facetious, libertarian progressive proposal. Unless a government manages…
From the BBC: “‘Glass hold’ reveals personality“
I still use my first generation Kindle (not everyday, but frequently), but am looking forward to the new larger Kindle DX for newspaper reading. (I compared my older Kindle —…
I recently took part in a colloquium on the future of journalism and read and discussed a lot of interesting essays, studies, and papers on the economics of news provision…