Political Theory

Alan Charles Kors on the Crimes of Communism and the Liberation Celebrated on November 9

Alan Charles Kors – Freedom Dinner 2009 Keynote from Atlas Network on Vimeo.

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A Very Exciting New Book

I’ve been extremely busy lately (meaning work until 4 am frequently, plus travel) and have been behind on some writing projects, but I am really, really pleased that I brought…

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Tibor’s Thoughts

My long-time friend Tibor Machan with “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from London. laconf09, Tibor Machan: “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.

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Might be interesting…

My talk to the Oxford University Libertarian Society on “Anarchism, Limited Government, and Liberalism: A Modest Case for Sacking the State”: Tom Palmer – “Anarchism, Limited Government & Liberalism: A…

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My talk in Oxford on “Anarchism, Limited Government, and Liberalism: A Modest Case for Sacking the State”

Tom Palmer – “Anarchism, Limited Government & Liberalism: A Modest Case for Sacking the State” from oxford libertarian on Vimeo. It was a rather informal chat that covered a number…

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A right to health care?

Rep. John Campbell in the Orange County Register: “A right to health care?” A little partisan, given the huge steps toward such policies under the GOP (I don’t know if…

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On Liberty at 150

John Stuart Mill’s influential book On Liberty is 150 years old this year. Despite my reservations about the arguments Mill advances, Happy Birthday!! Andrew Norton, an old friend from Australia,…

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Juan Carlos Hidalgo on the Removal of a President in Honduras

From Forbes: “It Wasn’t A ‘Coup’” Article 239 says that any person who has held the office of the presidency cannot be president or vice president again. Furthermore, it states…

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Realizing Freedom on Kindle…Searchable on Amazon.com, etc.

My book Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice will soon be available in a Kindle edition and can be pre-ordered now. (Note: I love my new Kindle DX.) Amazon.com…

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Well Over One Billion People Liberated from a Barbaric, Uncivilized, “Law”

BBC: “Gay sex decriminalised in India” The position of the Roman Catholic Church is disagreeable, but compatible with civilized treatment of others: Father Dominic Emanuel of India’s Catholic Bishop Council…

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