Women’s History Month and Three Remarkable Women
Three Women Who Launched a Movement
Three Women Who Launched a Movement
A nicely done video on the enduring legacy of Ayn Rand. I’m not a follower (I’m more eclectic in my views), but I find much to admire in her work,…
David Boaz has an interesting post at Cato@Liberty: “Ayn Rand Is In“
My long-time friend Tibor Machan with “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from London. laconf09, Tibor Machan: “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.
I attended a book forum at the Cato Institute on The Life and Impact of Ayn Rand that featured the authors of two new biographies of Ayn Rand, Anne C….
After a lot of travel (Los Angeles to Tokyo, followed by swine flu inspection; Tokyo to Singapore, followed by swine flu inspection; Singapore to Penang, followed by swine flu inspection),…