Cato University 2010: Be There…
(Click on the Octopus….) Come and learn from leading public choice economists, political and economic historians, leading lawyers and advocates for liberty, at Cato University. THE FACULTY * Robert Levy,…
(Click on the Octopus….) Come and learn from leading public choice economists, political and economic historians, leading lawyers and advocates for liberty, at Cato University. THE FACULTY * Robert Levy,…
Are you going? You should think about Cato University July 25-30 and FreedomFest July 8-10. (I’ll be speaking at both.) UPDATE: I forgot to mention that Bastiat Scholarships are available…
Cato University will be held July 25-30 in 2010 at the Rancho Bernardo Inn near San Diego, California. See ya there!
Here’s an excerpt from my talk opening this year’s Cato University.
I’ll be speaking this summer in Marseille at the European Resource Bank and in Aix-en-Provence at the Summer University of the New Economics. And Cato University, of course! And the…