Our Enemies’ Handiwork

The radical Islamicists have shown us again what they really are. The world should see the photos they released of their latest act of savagery. What else can one do but find and kill all of them before they kill all the rest of us, Muslim and non-Muslim alike?

4 Responses to “Our Enemies’ Handiwork”

  1. Thanks for the direct commentary Dr. Palmer. I certainly hope the savagery of these individuals can have a positive outcome–mainly uniting the civilized world in a realization of the depths of these atrocities and a firm resolve to oppose this terror wherever it lies. As a corollary, it appears that there are videos now available of Saddam-era torture in Abu Ghraib that lay out quite a context for our current discussion.

    On an unrelated note, check out Nic Kristof’s new article on Sudan in the Times. I posted on it today. It is sad to see the depths of human evil in so many ways lately.

  2. Kamajii

    The infidel Americans have shown us what they really are. (See Abu Graib photos and the innocent Iraqis killed every day) What else can we do but find and kill all of them and drive them out of our country before they kill all the rest of us.
    God is Great!

  3. Tom G. Palmer

    “Kwheeler” implies that all Americans are responsible for the criminal abuses at the prison. (It should not be forgotten that those abuses were, for all their being illegal and vicious, primarily about humiliating other people by taking photos of them naked or with underpants on their heads, and not about torturing or beheading them.) I did not imply that anyone needed to be found and killed other than those who are kidnapping and beheading or exploding car bombs. “Kwheeler” may find it amusing to try to imply that I said or think otherwise, but whatever sick person he or she may be, there is a world of difference between wanting to capture or kill beheaders and wanting to kill all Americans.

  4. there’s really no definition about the phrase one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.Well correct me if I am wrong but what is the difference between a FREEDOM FIGHTER walking into a market square and killing 100 people and a TERRORIST walking into a market square and killing 100 people, are not they the same:criminals