It May All Be Greek to You…

Socrates Metaxas, to whom I had the pleasure of being introduced by my friend Panagiotis Evangelopoulos when I was in Vienna after New Year’s, translated my little interview in Die Presse from German to Greek. For anyone who’d like to try his or her hand at read it in the language of Socrates, here it is.

4 Responses to “It May All Be Greek to You…”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    Ok, Nacim. I’ll post a translation into broken English (which I speak fairly well) sometime today. (I warn you that it’s pretty basic and you’re unlikely to learn a great deal from it, but it’s short and I’ll let you be the judge.)

  2. Tom G. Palmer

    That might be amusing. I was thinking of sitting down and doing it the old-fashioned way, searching for le mot juste and all that. But maybe I’ll do both. I could run it through the Google tool and post the weird results and then post my own translation along with it. Deal?