New Web Site on Environmentalism


I highly recommend a great new web site that offers rational analysis of environmental problems: It’s a project of the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University and offers research materials, useful links, essay contests, and seminars. Its sister web site,, is also a great resource.

5 Responses to “New Web Site on Environmentalism”

  1. T J Olson

    Thanks Tom for your recommendation and praise for this new liberal effort in environmentalism.

    As a veteran of the initial “Environment and Society” seminar in July, I can heartily reiterate it!

    It’s fun, although anarchist, stateless solutions are not hugely in evidence. Deep economic criticism and creative application, however, are much in evidence.

    The fundamental libertarian solution? All pollution problems are externality problems, of course.

    It’s the newer, more recent holistic issues like climate change, technological change like genetic engineering, and globalization that confound traditional liberal solutions and therefore require interdisciplinary knowledge and deeper debate to answer. However, there are rewards for pioneering efforts at challenging entrenched establishment thinking – as these articles imply.

    -TJ Olson