Some of the Horrors of Pre-Modern Society

Exorcism of a Girl.jpg
Driving Out Evil Spirits in Angola

The BBC has a series that demonstrates some of the benefits of modernity over “traditional” practices. The series documents the horrifying abuse and even killing of children through “exorcisms.”

Mr Kitoko took a large swig from a glass bottle and spat water into Jose’s face. The child winced, too weak to cry out. Mud was smeared on his belly. The priest grabbed and twisted at Jose’s groin.

It was clear this desperately ill boy belonged in hospital – but Mr Kitoko insisted he would respond to his traditional medicine. He explained his methods.

“First you start with holy water and mud, two things that are well prepared. Because you know that our bodies are all made of earth – and when we die and rot, the bones remain and the hair remains but every part of our bodies goes back to earth,” he said.*

That sort of thing used to be the normal course in Europe and America, as well. It’s time for reason, property, free-market capitalism, toleration, and law (as opposed to brutal force from post-colonial regimes) to be nurtured in Africa.

I had the privilege when teaching at the University of Denver recently for an Institute for Humane Studies seminar in June to work again with June Arunga, a very sharp law student from Kenya. We watched and then June narrated her three-part BBC special on “The Devil’s Footpath.” It was a disturbing experience, but the documentary ended, thankfully, on a note of hope.
*The boy died.

2 Responses to “Some of the Horrors of Pre-Modern Society”

  1. hello sir
    sir i have read this page and i want to konw about pre-modern society because i am studing about pre-modern socity so please tell me detail about pre-modern socity.

    ranjit indwar