أساطÙ?ر اÙ?فرداÙ?Ù?Ø©

Lamp of Liberty.jpg
The Lamp of Liberty

My essay on “Myths of Individualism” has been translated into Arabic and posted on the LampofLiberty website (www.misbahalhurriyya.org in Arabic): أساطÙ?ر اÙ?فرداÙ?Ù?Ø©. (The website is undergoing a major redesign and stylistic upgrade over the next few days, so there may be difficulties over the next day or two in uploading individual essays and books.)

2 Responses to “أساطÙ?ر اÙ?فرداÙ?Ù?Ø©”

  1. Sharpshooter

    “At a time when our entire country is banding together and facing down individualism, the Patriots set a wonderful example, showing us all what is possible when we work together, believe in each other, and sacrifice for the greater good.”

    SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY, D-MASS., in a statement read onto the Congressional Record, praising the New England Patriots and declaring us all to be in an American war against individualism. –Quoted in America’s 1st Freedom magazine, April, 2002