Some Interesting Comments on Polish Politics

Polish Plumber.jpg
I’m staying in Poland: Y’all Come on Over

BBC Europe editor Mark Mardell has some interesting remarks about Polish politics. The first comment reminds me of the brilliant Polish response to the French nationalist and socialist campaign against those awful “Polish Plumbers.”

6 Responses to “Some Interesting Comments on Polish Politics”

  1. Tom, its not only the french nationalists and socialist who have a hate against the polish workers also the french right wing parties. The french libertarians are a small minority within french politics. Unfortunately they are heavily infested with hatemongers just like the rest of the european libarterians. As a turk living in holland I can confirm it.

  2. Maybe it is other people who Orhan thinks of, but not the French liberals (libertarians) I know. But I do not know all who call themselves in that way, so it may be that some are as Orhan says. If so, it is an abandoment of the liberalism.

  3. It would be interesting to hear from Orhan (and others) about what sorts of discrimination Turks and Muslims have in Europe. Elsewhere on this blog a poster suggested that the rights of Muslims in Western Europe are respected, but I suspect they do face prejudice, violence, etc.

  4. Charles I remember once visiting the web sites of some extreme right wing groups, they called themselfes “libertarians” and had links to the lew rockwell and mises institute. I observed the same pattern at different sites of european right wing parties. I recall that Justin Raimondo once called the extreme right wing parties in europe as “libertarians”. I found that a very strange comparison. I must admit that before I found Tom’s site I had a very dim view of libertarianism.

  5. (From a British perspective)
    Polish and other Eastern European immigrants are fantastic! It’s great to see an increased competition increase the standards in the “trades”.

    Traditionally British ��?���£100,000 plumbers (which is how they have been dubbed because due to their scarcity they make very high imcomes)have the reputation of (if they turn up at all) taking long breaks, selling you the most expensive services, having no manners, being clueless about the latest developments. British builders have a similar reputation.

    Contrast this with the Poles (and other Eastern European immigrants): within a very short time they have obtained the reputation of being polite, inexpensive, not to take long breaks, and to turn up on time. They are usually better looking, too.

    And guess what: the trade associations recently brought out a report asking the government to stop encouraging young people to learn a trade – on the basis that their financial expectations could no longer be fulfilled.