A Great Source of Inspiration and Optimism

I just got back from teaching at the introductory seminar of the Charles G. Koch Summer Fellows Program and the IHS Journalism Program. I got to meet 70 sharp, educated, and motivated young advocates of liberty, each one of them a reason to be optimistic about the future of freedom.

2 Responses to “A Great Source of Inspiration and Optimism”

  1. Joe Henchman

    I’m very glad you continue to take the time to speak to the Koch Fellows, as I’m sure it probably takes you away from other obligations. I great enjoyed your part of the seminar when I sat in the classroom two summers ago, and that sentiment was universal, as far as I know.

  2. I’m right there with you, Joe. That first seminar was a defining moment for me as a Koch Fellow, and Dr. Palmer’s lecture series was particularly memorable. Thank you for continuing to contribute, Tom.