Click for the Statement of the Friedman Foundation
My Blackberry started buzzing early this morning with very sad news, which continued to come in throughout the day. It is hard to think of another contemporary scholar/scientist with such influence, and certainly with such a passionate love of liberty.
I’m sorry I never got to meet him. Did you?
It seems like no one recalls that from 1975-1983 both inflation and unemployment averaged 7.7% (inflation has averaged just about 3% since 1983-unemployment averaged 5.75% in the 1990s and 5.11% since 2000).
Friedman’s influence probably helped get the FED to focus more on fighting inflation. Maybe some of our economic well being is directly attributable to Friedman
Milton Friedman is alive with his words and his work.
Milton Friedman will inspire us both in our political action and in our intellectual work.
Milton Friedman enlightened the 20th century like Voltaire 18th century.
Like Aristotle, Milton Friedman gave us the Logic of how the economic reality works.
Milton Friedman unified the old dichotomy between political and economic notion of liberty and he completed his colossal work with the philosophical unity of classical liberalism.
He was both practical and theoretical mind.
He was both activist and intellectual personality.
Milton Friedman was a great explorer of the new roads of Freedom.
I think that his last interview, 21st September 2006, was given to the Greek Free Marketeers and was published by their site
Milton Friedman (31 de julio de 1912 – 16 de noviembre de 2006)
Milton Friedman recibiendo el premio Nobel
Milton Friedman ha fallecido, pero sus logros a los campos de la economÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?Âa e historia no serÃ?Â??Ã?Â?Ã?¡n olvidados nunca. Sus logros, libros, presentaciones y conferencias dieron fuerza al movimiento capitali…
There is a particularly nice memorial to Friedman posted at CLS’ Classically Liberal []
I also have a few personal thoughts on Friedman on my blog, although unlike CLS didn’t actually know him. I did have the pleasure of seeing him walk down a hallway holding his wife’s hand and smiling, though — a very vivid memory for me.
Hi Tom,
In various obituaries, Friedman was cited as having a big influence on Reagan, Thatcher, etc. How much of an influence in theory and practice did he actually have on them?