For Political Scientists: A New Form of State

The KGB’s post-Soviet ‘commercialization’,” by Victor Yassmann.

One useful element is a partial list of assassinated Russian figures who have been around KGB circles.

(Note previous post on the topic.)

Hat Tip: Nathalie Vogel

3 Responses to “For Political Scientists: A New Form of State”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    Some people simply believe that a mercantilist state awash in rent-based revenues derived from renationalization of oil resources, attempting to monopolize energy markets through a state-owned firm, in an attempt to recreate an empire, is no different from a private firm in a free market. Such people call a scholar with detailed knowledge of the system who has been quite publicly critical of mercantilism, protectionism, and socialism an “alleged libertarian.” The Lew Rockwells and Justin Raimondos have long since given up any claim to be serious friends of liberty, indeed, to be serious in any sense of the word.