A Great New Scholarly Resource


My friend Alberto Mingardi has informed me of a new resource from the Instituto Bruno Leoni: a scholarly resource on the ideas and work of the great scholar for whom the Institute is named. It has both Italian and English versions and includes mp3 files of some of Leoni’s lectures.

I’ve long admired Leoni. Some years ago I co-authored with Leonard Liggio a short comment on a paper by the late Professor Peter Aranson on Leoni’s ouevre.

On another note, I should thank the IBL for translating into one of the most beautiful of modern languages an essay I wrote on intellectual property, which has appeared along with a number of essays by some much smarter people in their book La propriet��?���  (intellettuale) ��?���¨ un furto? Riflessioni su un diritto per il futuro.

La propriet��?���  (intellettuale) ��?���¨ un furto?
contributi di James V. DeLong, Richard A. Epstein, Henri Lepage, Tom Palmer – Introduzione di Cesare Galli

One Response to “A Great New Scholarly Resource”

  1. That’s a fantastic resource. Thank you! (I read Leoni’s Freedom and the Law, but now it’s great to know that there’s more out there. I found him a very stimulating thinker about social order and the sources of law.)