A Cause for Optimism

I’ve met quite a few remarkably impressive libertarians and classical liberals from African countries at the Mont Pelerin Society meeting in Kenya. After hearing so much pessimism about Africa (and there’s still plenty of reason to be pessimistic; I’m sitting at the moment next to a woman from Zimbabwe, which is disintegrating), but I’ve been introduced to good reasons to be optimistic about Africa, including positive rates of economic growth in many African countries and, more importantly, well educated, sharp, and dedicated African friends of liberty.

Cato’s work is better known than I had expected (the internet is a wonderful thing) and I’m hoping to get more distribution of ideas throughout the continent from Cato and our other friends around the world.

James Shikwati of the Inter Region Economic Network and Linda Whetstone of the International Policy Network have done a great job of putting this program together.

One Response to “A Cause for Optimism”

  1. Tom,
    I agree about the continent of Africa. Although there are a number of dark spots, such as Zimbabwe, the light of liberty is beginning to shine in a number of regions there. There are a number of African newspapers and journals which are online and it is encouraging and heartening to see what is happening. The Atlas Foundations does some good reporting on African classical liberal groups as well.
    Latin America, SE Asia and Eastern Europe have been the places where I’ve seen the most encouragement before, but now Africa is catching up! It’s nice to see this happening.
    Best to you, Tom
    Just a thought.
    Just Ken