Wolly as a (Very Smart) Kitten
Wolly Palmer is back home, after her third very unpleasant and harrowing stay in the hospital. Thanks to modern technology, good care, and substantial sums of money she has been given the gift of (I hope and pray) years of life. The experience was deeply unpleasant (and emotionally trying) for both of us. I visited twice daily and was present for most of the unpleasant tests so she would not be too stressed. She’s a clever person and understood (I believe) that those were visits and that they confirmed that she had not been abandoned or sent away. She’s happy to be back at home with Antigone (Tiggy) Palmer and me. (She needs a daily antibiotic pill, which she accepts, but attempts to evade, every-other-day subcutaneous injections of fluid from a drip bag, a special renal care diet, and lots of love and gentle affection.)
The experience has been hard on both of us (what with four hours of sleep for me, between night visits and morning visits), so when we got home yesterday late afternoon we both laid down for a few minutes and woke up 13 hours later.
Wolly Asking for Her Toys
Tiggy (on the left) and Wolly on a Sunny January Day, 2004
Wolly Safe at Home This Morning
Just so lovely to see the pictures of Wolly and to know that she is at home and you are both happy again
Love Valerie
Oh no, I didn’t know she was sick! I hope she gets well soon, and please tell her I’m proud of her for taking her antibiotic and being so brave.
Oh, the poor dear! She looks better already.
Tell her Jack sends his “ruv”.
She’s so brave (and cute)! My cat is diabetic and requires two insulin injections a day (as well as low carb food, etc.). He tried to run away from the injections the first few times, but now (2 years later), he just quietly eats his food and barely seems to notice. In fact, I think the entire process has grown us closer. His blood sugar is regulated (after a few scares and nightmarish/expensive vet visits), and he’s back to normal.
Pills, on the other hand, are almost never easy to give to cats; thank your stars she accepts them at all.
Give Wolly the united love of all us cat owners (of course, don’t forget Tiggy; as if she’d let you).
I am a new reader and was surprised to see the pictures of your beautiful cats today. I hope that you and Wolly rest well after your ordeal. My cat wanted to say he thinks Wolly and Tiggy are very fortunate to share their home with such a caring human.
Best wishes,
Glad Wolly is safe and sound! She is a smart cat indeed!!
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