Washington Blade Coverage of Second Amendment Case

From today’s Washington Blade, “Gay scholar helps overturn D.C. gun law.” (The headline might suggest that I’m a scholar of gay subjects, which I’m not, but headlines have to be short.)

3 Responses to “Washington Blade Coverage of Second Amendment Case”

  1. Tom G. Palmer

    That’s indeed their angle: “Lesbian Wins Chess Championship, Thanks Partner.”

    I have, however, gotten several quite nasty emails from people who asserted that I was claiming to speak in their name by, well, just by telling my story. (I was asked by the reporter whether the Second Amendment is a “gay issue,” and I said no, it’s an issue for everyone who wants his or her right to self-defense respected and for everyone who takes the Constitution seriously.) I wonder if the activists who were so angry that I allowed myself to be interviewed by a gay paper are equally angry by the professional and self-styled “gay advocacy” groups that assert that higher taxes and more welfare spending are “gay issues.” Somehow, I think not.

  2. Irfan Khawaja


    Maybe it’s time to challenge the “leaders” of the gay/lesbian community to come out with an explicit criterion of what constitutes a gay/lesbian issue, what doesn’t, and why.