A Rather Serious Mistake in the Washington Post


Today’s Washington Post has a rather interesting article about the violence directed against the Estonian Embassy and Ambassador in Moscow, “Protesters in Moscow Harass Estonian Envoy Over Statue.”

The article states,

For many Estonians, the statue is an uncomfortable symbol of what they view as the occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union, whose troops drove out the Nazis in 1944. The country gained independence in 1991.

Here’s my letter to the author:

Dear Mr. Finn,

Your article in the Post on May 3, states, “the statute is an uncomfortable symbol of what they [Estonians] view as the occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Uhion, whose troops drove out the Nazis in 1944. The country gained independence in 1991.” The country was not “viewed” as occupied; it was occupied by the USSR, on October 18th 1939, and then annexed by force in August 1940. It was later invaded and occupied by the Third Reich (from 1941 to 1944), and then by the USSR again. I encourage you to check such matters before writing (unintentionally) misleading prose such as appeared in your article.
Tom G. Palmer

4 Responses to “A Rather Serious Mistake in the Washington Post”

  1. Very good! Did you see the article a couple of weeks ago saying that Gun Control has helped curb crime in the UK, and then goes on to present statistics that show that armed assaults have increased almost 200% since the 1997 gun ban?

    I called yesterday to stop my suscription. The Post is going back to the old days, especially on guns and the hype of climate change.

  2. Nathalie I. VOGEL

    Interesting article, all mistakes set aside.

    I had the great honor of working with H.E. M. Kaljurand and her team while in Moscow.
    She is a remarkably talented, open-minded diplomat.

    I realize that these are the risks of the job, but the personal attacks against her are just unbearable. The irony is: she is an exceptionally russophile person with an immense knowledge of Russian culture and a great respect for the Russian people.

    Every word, every action of Marina Kaljurand shows how professionally she handles the most difficult situations, with the greatest understanding for Russian fears, justified or not.
    The current Ambassador of Estonia in Moscow cannot even s p e l l the word nationalism, unlike the hords currently harrassing her…NV

  3. Adam Allouba

    “We believe the Soviet Union liberated Europe and saved Estonia from fascism.”

    What in God’s name could provoke such a statement, as attributed to a young protestor in the article? Have they been taught such massive lies about history that they don’t know any better? Or do they really believe this stuff, in the full light of the facts? I simply don’t understand people. The Soviets “saved” Estonia from fascism like Pinochet “saved” Chile from communism.

  4. Nathalie I. VOGEL

    Sadly enough, Adam, the forces at work here are highly professional. http://nashi.su/
    These kids are not more ignorant than the kids anywhere else. Let us put it as it is:
    These people could even get Stephen Hawking to join the Flat Earth Society. NV