Off to Ukraine

I gave my last talk at the Summer University on “Humane Dimensions of Globalization,” which dealt with issues of cultural identity, personal identity, and war and peace. I’m going to crash for a few hours before getting up insanely early to go with my friend Nouh El Harmouzi to the airport to fly to Ukraine.

6 Responses to “Off to Ukraine”

  1. Anca Bogdana Rusu

    When will you be arriving in Bucharest? There are lots of students, like myself, who would love to meet with you and somehow I get the feeling that during the ERBM you won’t be exactly available….so maybe, if we knew in advance when you get here we could schedule something..


  2. Tom G. Palmer

    I’m about to send you an email. It will be good to see you again. Your brother was at the seminars in Germany and in France — he held up the family honor as friends of liberty very, very well! The other Romanian students were also impressive, not only for their intelligence, but for their passion for freedom.


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