On the Road Again

Milwaukee, Moscow, Milan, London.

I’ll be on the road a bit for a variety of presentations, lectures, conferences, and meetings. (I’ll spend much of December in China.)

4 Responses to “On the Road Again”

  1. Nathalie I. VOGEL

    Oh, well…He had warned us. Let me quote Dr. Palmer’s resolutions for 2007: “Iâ??m resolved to be more focused on two things: 1) the advancement of my projects related to the defense or advance of liberty, especially in places where things are difficult for our friends, and 2) becoming a more socially involved and less inward-looking person. This has not been the best of years for me, but I hope that 2007 will be better, for me and for everyone else.”…
    He had just forgotten to add what “advancement of my projects…” actually means… Schonen Sie sich! NV

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