Seminars on Libertarian Thought

The Cato Institute’s Center for Promotion of Human Rights will organize or co-organize seminars this year for students and young people in West Africa (English), Morocco (French), Ukraine (Russian), Georgia (English), Germany (English), China (Chinese), and in Arabic and Persian (at locations not yet decided). More details will follow.

Francophones: Here are the details for the seminar in Morocco.

Europeans who speak English: Here are the details for the seminars in Germany and in Georgia.

Africans who speak English: Here is information on the seminars in West Africa.

Russian-speakers: Here are the details for the seminar in Ukraine.

And of course, don’t forget Cato University, to be held this year at the Rancho Bernardo Inn (near San Diego) July 20-25. (I have raised funds for Bastiat Scholarships for enrolled high school and university students for Cato University. And the registration price for the rest of us is unchanged from last year, which was a very low $925 for all meals, tuition, readings, etc.)

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