Let Cooler Heads Prevail

Russian forces battle Georgians

Let us hope that this does not turn into general war, but will be contained. The situation is very, very frightening and very, very dangerous.

5 Responses to “Let Cooler Heads Prevail”

  1. We all know and whole world knows who is responsible for the war. Russian forces occupy Georgia, but Georgian forces do not occupy Russia. Russia says it acts to protect Russian citizens on Georgian territory but it granted Russian passports to people after independence of Georgia and after other Georgians were expelled. That is like US giving citizenship to some people of Canada and afterwards invading to “protect them” from Canadan government by placing troops in Canada and by invasion. Russia seeks annexation of portions of Georgia. Georgians do not seek annexaton of portions of Russia. The case is not equal on each side. Russian aggression is very clear and anyone who consults the facts and the history will know the truth.

  2. It is not always so clear, for previous Georgian governments did act badly with respect to the other groups in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But the current crisis, although precipitated by Georgian military action, is primarily due to Kremlin designs to destabilize Georgia. Annexation is the cleargoal of the Kremlin authorities. And that makes the situation between Georgia and Russia not one of symmetry.

  3. ”Very very” strange post by Austrian. What was stupid? I don’t understand. Would you be just standing and watching somebody trying to smash your head with break? Well, I certainly wouldn’t. Personally, I was always against war. And I’ve always said (although this idea was extremely unpopular among literally everybody surrounding me) that it’s better to lose territories, than to get into open conflict. But in this case, when we were attacked without any logical justification, I think that we had no other choice. And despite many things that were objectable before (in my point of view), now I’m really proud of my government and my people. Maybe we loose (and that’s most probably what’s gonna happen, unless world community opens eyes and sees that this is a threat not just to my country) but we never give up. And it is not Saakashvili’s decision, but it is world’s (save the US, may be) decision to stand back and watch how it all goes on, that is stupid. I’m writing this under the sound of shells exploding somewhere far (yet), but still within the audible distance…

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