An Amusing Example of “If you say it often enough, someone might believe it.”

Peter Klein, “On the Term ‘Religion’

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3 Responses to “An Amusing Example of “If you say it often enough, someone might believe it.””

  1. Thanks, Rod. I’ll print this out and read it. (I’m open minded, but believing something without any evidence for it is a part of the common usage of the term “faith.” But I’ll print this out and read it at on the exercise bike tonight.)

    All the best,

  2. Well, it’s part of common usage only in strictly delimited contexts. People pretty much ONLY use it that way when they’re criticising religion (or criticising something AS a religion). But religions themselves don’t use it that way, and critics of religion don’t use it that way in other contexts. (“I have faith in Bob’s honesty” doesn’t mean “I have a groundless belief in Bob’s honesty.”)

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