A Blow for the Rule of Law
My old friend Dan Garrett sent me this remarkable judicial opinion: “USA vs. William J. Ruehle.” Read it and be happy that some countries have independent judiciaries. For the news,…
My old friend Dan Garrett sent me this remarkable judicial opinion: “USA vs. William J. Ruehle.” Read it and be happy that some countries have independent judiciaries. For the news,…
I had the pleasure of speaking Thursday night at Wabash College in Indiana and had made a condition of accepting that I would get to visit the Goodrich Room in…
The New York Times features my friend Hannes Gissurarson of the University of Iceland, who suffered from Britain’s outrageous libel laws, in today’s story: “Britain, Long a Libel Mecca, Reviews…
The discussion with Tyler Cowen reminded me again that we had disagreed (agreeably) on a number of things in an online discussion of Libertarianism: Past and Prospects, which was kicked…
Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice may be just the thing for those looking for Hannukah/Christmas/Kwanzah/Sylvesterabend gifts. (I’ve not forgotten Eid; it’s not too early for next year!) It’s…
How can they make something so, um, unappetizing look so beautiful? “Timelapse of swarming monster worms and sea stars” HT: MarginalRevolution.com
It’s getting pretty cold in Afghanistan, so my wardrobe will have to change. I got some nice Afghan togs (kurtas and vests) in the summer (which are very comfortable and…
I just remembered, after Tyler Cowen’s very generous comments on my book Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice that I had criticized his views in this podcast: ““The Nature…
I heard Deirdre McCloskey make this argument recently in Berlin, where I attended two conferences on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the publication of Adam Smith’s The Theory…