A Speech I gave over 19 years ago…
Still reads well: “Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe” (I gave it as a lecture at a Cato University summer seminar on political economy in California during the summer of…
Still reads well: “Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe” (I gave it as a lecture at a Cato University summer seminar on political economy in California during the summer of…
David Boaz in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “When government slippery slope goes vertical“
An excellent piece on how a tyranny crumbled: “Filming a Revolution” Conny Rakow on her memories of the opening of the Wall.
It’s in German, but this short film the message of this little film should be clear to all.
My long-time friend Tibor Machan with “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from London. laconf09, Tibor Machan: “Thoughts on Objectivism and Ayn Rand” from Sean Gabb on Vimeo.
www.Guominliyi.org DoiMoi.org (I hope you like the small video on DoiMoi.org of my friend Sascha Tamm, which I made with my flip camera in the Steinbräu brewery and pub in…
My talk to the Oxford University Libertarian Society on “Anarchism, Limited Government, and Liberalism: A Modest Case for Sacking the State”: Tom Palmer – “Anarchism, Limited Government & Liberalism: A…
Mirsulzhan Namazaliev on the proposal to have URLs in alphabets other than Latin: “Attack of the alphabets: will Cyber-Cyrillic threaten global online unity?“
Hat tip: Jude
I have been working with colleagues on some videos and other work on the Fall of the Berlin Wall (to be celebrated November 9 at the Atlas Freedom Dinner), and…