
A New Search Engine
From the founders: Liberty-Finder (http://liberty-finder.com) is a new Google based search engine with a database restricted to 400+ websites that display resources in English on individual liberty, free market and…

Some Thoughts on Health Care “Reform”
Everyone labels their proposals “reform,” which is an empty label. You can’t be “for” or “against” reform until you know what the reform is (unless you’re 100% satisfied with the…

Chat Chambre
Wollstonecraft (“Wolly”) Palmer in a Chat Chambre (she speaks French)

Time to Look to a Peaceful Future
BBC: “Turkey, Armenia to restore ties” Arguing over the nature or magnitude of crimes in the past is not necessarily a bad thing, unless it gets in the way of…

Some Good News from Germany
BBC: “Merkel ‘heads for’ new coalition” Governing with the liberal Free Democrats will be an improvement. It looks like the FDP got 14.8%. Bravo!

He Kinda Doesn’t Get It
James Fallows in The Atlantic: “FT, Economist, and me” I’ll post a response later (gotta rush to a meeting now), but it will be fun to show how he has…

No doubt a sad day…
for economically illiterate advocates of monarchy: “Turks mourn relative of Ottoman sultan” Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, from Osman I to Mehmed V

Technology, Capitalism, Health
A friend, Bright Simons, who is a member of the AfricanLiberty.org team, is featured in The Economist article (September 24, 2009) “Beyond voice: New uses for mobile phones could launch…

LA Times on Obama’s Trade Policies
Los Angeles Times: “Obama and free trade: What’s the deal?” Nine months into his administration, Obama’s trade policy is a pastiche of pro-trade rhetoric, violations of international agreements and protectionist…