Follow the “Stimulus” Dollars
Here’s the official account: “Recovery.gov” Here’s the accurate one:
Here’s the official account: “Recovery.gov” Here’s the accurate one:
The Koch Associate Program: The Koch Associate Program was established to identify up-and-coming leaders and entrepreneurs interested in liberty and help them develop the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for…
Obama must fight the protectionist virus
BBC: “Russia to aid Bolivia drugs fight” Russia is set to supply helicopters to Bolivia to help in the fight against the illegal drugs trade, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has…
BBC: “Witnesses to Moscow’s Afghan war“
BBC: “Dance duet helps male birds mate: video” Dance duet helps male birds mate: text
CNN reports on the claim of victory for Hugo Chavez, as he claims “a clear victory for the people” as he “democratically” assumes perpetual and absolute personal power. CNN notes…
Here’s to a great thinker!
From the Economist: KAL’s Cartoon. Hat tip: Radu Nechita, via Emmanuel Martin