
A Sad Return
It has been a long time since I could bear to look at my blog without being overcome by sadness and grief, as I miss my friend a great deal….

My Best Friend Is Gone
This is extremely difficult to write. Wolly (for Wollstonecraft) Palmer, who was my friend, partner, buddy, confidant, and for 14 years teacher in the virtues of patience, toleration, loyalty, and…

An Eventful Feline Evening
I noticed that Wolly (short for Wollstonecraft) was a bit droopy, which can be caused by high levels of potassium attendant upon kidney problems (which she has had for some…

Cats Can Be Fierce:
HT: Andrew Sullivan And then there’s this famous photos: Photo in the News: Cat Chases Bear Up Tree

Living with Kittens
I have experienced it myself….. (Wolly used to be a fierce hunter, who would track down and kill — much to my relief — mosquitos, which she especially hated. Tiggy…