Economic Insights

The Hayek Interviews — You’ve Got to Watch
The Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala, which is a real world leader in online education and media, has just released the full Hayek interviews organized by Armen Alchian of UCLA…

?? ??? ??? ?? ???: Bastiat in Arabic
The full text, translated from French into Arabic, of “What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen” is now available online: “?? ??? ??? ?? ???” The French text is…

Arabic Free Trade Message
??? ???????? ?????? from Atlas Network on Vimeo. Coming out soon in many other languages…..

Milton Friedman’s Legacy
My interview on Fox Business while here in Berlin. (It’s a part of a whole program on Milton Friedman’s legacy.)

Milton Friedman’s Legacy
I’m in Berlin (Potsdam, actually) for a conference on dealing with the problems involved in measuring freedom and coming up with some measurement system. Last night I did a television…

Kabul Presentation of First Dari Book by Afghanistan Economic and Legal Studies Organization
The conference hall of the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kabul for the presentation of the Dari edition of Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth…

Libertarianism, from A to Z
Jeffrey A. Miron presented his book Libertarianism, from A to Z at a forum at the Cato Institute, and I presented the comments, including a little history of the term…