Now We Know What Real Humor Is….Or at Least Real Jokes
Michael Moynihan of Reason has been doing some super sleuthing. He wants to know, “Just what makes something humorous?” And now he has the answer: Jonathan Chait, to whom he…
A nicely done video on the enduring legacy of Ayn Rand. I’m not a follower (I’m more eclectic in my views), but I find much to admire in her work,…
Jonathan Chait disgraces himself once more. First he mocked Veronique de Rugy’s French name, then in his defense he makes fun of the “G” in my name, which I have…
The ‘true story’ of how Dr. King kept Uhura on Star Trek (I added the exclamation point because I’m not a Trekkie, although I do remember watching the show when…
One of the great speeches of American history 28 August 1963 Full text here
Kyai Haji Abdurrahman Wahid, known as Gus Dur, has died. I did not meet him, but heard only praise from Muslim friends. He was involved in the LibForAll foundation, among…
From the New York Times: `Yegor Gaidar, the Man Who Killed the Command Economy`
The Washington Post put it well: “Russia’s Yegor Gaidar championed freedom