Smooth Politics
Biden Criticized For Appearing In Hennessy Ads
Biden Criticized For Appearing In Hennessy Ads
Jonathan Chait disgraces himself once more. First he mocked Veronique de Rugy’s French name, then in his defense he makes fun of the “G” in my name, which I have…
(Now, it seems that the full version is here.)
David Boaz on NPR.org: “For This Libertarian, Obama’s First Year Looks Grim“
CNN: “Brown wins Massachusetts Senate race” “A Case for Divided Government” “Dividing Power” “Would Divided Government Be Better?” “Three Cheers for Divided Government” “We miss you, Bubba”
From America’s Most Reliable News Source: “Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be“
From Foreign Policy: “The Islamists Are Not Coming: Religious parties in the Muslim world are hardly the juggernauts they’ve been made out to be,” by Charles Kurzman and Ijlal Naqvi.
David Boaz waxes nostalgic in the Washington Times for the days when government was almost, sorta, kinda limited, compared to now: “We Miss You, Bubba“
The discussion with Tyler Cowen reminded me again that we had disagreed (agreeably) on a number of things in an online discussion of Libertarianism: Past and Prospects, which was kicked…