Sliding or Plummeting toward Statism?
David Boaz in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “When government slippery slope goes vertical“
David Boaz in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer: “When government slippery slope goes vertical“
Russell Roberts on NPR: “As Goldman Gloats, What Does It Matter For Us?” Russell is too much of a gentleman to point out the large number of Goldman cronies who…
Everyone labels their proposals “reform,” which is an empty label. You can’t be “for” or “against” reform until you know what the reform is (unless you’re 100% satisfied with the…
BBC: “Merkel ‘heads for’ new coalition” Governing with the liberal Free Democrats will be an improvement. It looks like the FDP got 14.8%. Bravo!
for economically illiterate advocates of monarchy: “Turks mourn relative of Ottoman sultan” Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, from Osman I to Mehmed V
Yes, if done according to the law. (Richard Nixon was certainly impeachable, and would have been impeached had he not resigned; the articles of impeachment were drawn up and voted…
(Note: Not to say I agree with everything in the video, but it sure is a clever idea. I just wish a version had been done under the Bush administration…
The Shady Bunch (Not that I endorse every image in the video, but it’s pretty cute and clever, nonetheless.)
Vote Liberal in the German Elections
CNN: “House passes amendment to cut government funding for ACORN” ACORN is notably corrupt, but mainly because, as a tax-funded clearly political organization, it corrupts American politics. I want their…